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In the hunt for the “Higgs Boson” particle frequently referred to as the “God Particle”, CERN in Switzerland needed to identify an electronics company that could work in partnership to design and manufacture a range of high end electronics packages.

The brief was to help capture the data that was being generated by the particle collisions within the accelerator. The second part of the brief was to have a control function that would shut down the particle accelerator in the event of there being a catastrophic loss of control within the ring.

Scotland Electronics were identified as that supplier; we worked very closely with the resident engineers and scientists at CERN to develop and manufacture to very tight schedules an array of high precision electronics that were able to meet these exacting requirements for research and development.

Whenever a technical challenge exists, Scotland Electronics is able to add the necessary intellectual muscle to achieve the results you require. CERN engineering teams would certainly agree!

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